Me: *gallops onstage holding a bright yellow envelope* “HELLO PEEPS!! AND THE MOMENT YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!! THE WINNERS!!!!”
Starpebble: *enters grouchily stage left* “My ears hurt. Can I do this?”
Me: “NO, because LAST TIME you and EMBER did it, so it’s MY TURN!!” *pauses* “By the way, Ember or Spark?”
Starpebble: “Not AGAIN!” *runs offstage*
Me: “Hee hee hee….”
Spark: *enters stage right* “Hey, what about me? I didn’t get to do it!”
Me: “My art contest, MY RULES!!”
Spark: “Okay, okay! Sheesh.”
Me: *throws him a dirty look while inwardly acknowledging he is incredibly cute* But Sablestone forever! “AND THE WINNERS! *rips open yellow envelope with teeth*
“In third place, @Firesong, with Brackentail x Morningleaf! The background is chaos, but so was their relationship! You get a feather shot of your OC!

“In second place, @Skysun, with Stripstorm x Flamesky, you get a headshot of your OC!

“And in first place…. @Ashsong , with her GORGEOUS and HEART-MELTING drawing of CLAWFIRE X SHADEPEBBLE! You get a full-body shot of your OC!

Spark: “Great job everyone!”
Other Entries:
Brackentail x Flamesky by @Dragon

Silverlake x Thundersky by @Stormsun

Star x Morningleaf by @Riverglade

Thank you! Everyones art was so pretty. Can I get a dark blue feather tipped with gray please?
Congratulations to the winners!!!! All the drawings look AMAZING!!!!
Yay! Could I get Frayan? Here's a pic of him
Congrats winners!!!!
Congrats to the winners!!!
WOW!! CONGRATS everyone!! Could you do a headshot of....hmmmm....Camelwing? He's a chestnut stallion with a thin blaze. Also, will you be doing another challenge soon?