Moonheart relaxed with her friends. "I'm so tired" Starfrost complained. Moonheart rolled her eyes. "And you tried so hard to get included in your favorite game chase." "Says the person who has awfully long legs, ginormous wings, starfire, and-" Moonheart shoved him backward making him pause. "Hey!" Windsun rolled her eyes "Imma see how Thunderwind is doing." "Moonheart?" Moonheart pricked her ears hearing her father. "I have to go to." "Ready to train?" "Yes father." Moonheart always loved training, every day she couldn't wait. The rest of the day Moonheart trained with her legendary father. "Dodge left." Star went for her side and so she dodged. "Duck under." Star attempted to kick her but she ducked. "Dodge right." Moonheart didnt quite hear the demand but she saw star charging after her full speed. She shut her eyes and through a shield around her. "You learned a new power!" Morningleaf whinnied in surprise. Thunderwind trotted next to her. "Nice job." Moonheart played with her new power for a bit. Slowly, she was becoming stronger. And slowly, she was learning new powers. Moonheart wondered what other powers she could get. A seed of hope bloomed in her heart knowing that she might be able to beat Riversun.
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NOOOOO WAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! my stuffed pegasus is named Moonheart!!!!!
Thanks for including Star! And very nice job as always! You can go slow and still write a good story. It creates suspense!
I love this series already!
Ok its kinda going slow. But hope you enjoyed this anyway... xD If you haven't seen season two be sure to watch it! And if you haven't seen Risen part 1 be sure to watch that to. :P