Here they are! First off thank you to all who participated - the entries were incredibly awesome and you all should be proud. Love the creativity guys!
Alright so for prizes. I changed them up a bit because life is crazy but I shall try my best:
1st place gets a full-body pegasus OR a short story
2nd gets a headshot OR a short story
3rd gets a feather collage OR a short story
This goes for both categories. The feather collage is a drawing of your OC's feather plus some words that describe them around it. You can request digital or traditional for any. If you want a short story, then give me the characters, their personalities, a bit of backstory, and a general idea of how you want the plot to go.
I will be posting the results by picture and which OCs are in there, but if you want full descriptions:
Now that's out of the way - the Drawing Category. These are for you who entered with a drawing on paper or digitally.
3rd place:
@Dragon !!!

Featuring: Honeyfall, Snowfrost, Mistcloud, Silverflame, Hazelstorm, Patchfeather, Stormfeather, Ambersky, Cherrycloud, Dragonflight, Pearlsong, and Pebblebreeze. I loved all the aspects and different textures!
For 2nd:
@LionSpark/Fire ⚡️!!!

Featuring Foxface! He's adorable and I love all the different markings - especially the fire and marshmallows up top!
And for 1st

So much is happening; you put a lot of work into it! I...cannot list all of them, but the detail is amazing and I love it!
Alright and now for the Baking Category
Start off with 3rd:
@Thunderray !!!

Featuring Moonlake! It's so cute and I love the Hershey kisses.
Annnd in 2nd
@Morningmist !!!

For Bumblewind! I can definitely see him in the coloring and the fact that it's food! It looks amazing and I can't help thinking of his tribute.
And lastly
in first
@Riverglade !!!

Based on Riverglade! The cupcake is elegant and looks mouthwatering! I love how you captured her-er your spirit XD.
Great job everyone!!! It was really tough to decide and I love all of them! Tell me your prize requests in the comments and have a great February. :)
Gee, it's already February? Time flies.
(this is Snow)
Wow I forgot about this 😅