Alright, I have a lot that needs to be said not only about this drawing but why it‘s so late.
So, first, to get the late part out of the way, I’m so sorry. We went camping for a week right after I started this challenge (I know, I can be pretty stupid on time issues) and I loved it. But, I didn’t complete many drawings. So, sorry, heheheh.
Now, to the drawing part.... My mother suggested to me that I return to my old drawing ways. So, she showed me on some of my drawings. I decided to try this with Stormfrost. Now, aside from the ugly line art that is meant to be loose and crappy, she has a Roman nose, her front right leg is WAY too long, and her wings are a little too back for my liking. Now, the line art is meant to be loose and not confining, more just there to define the shadows and such. Well, that didn’t work at all.
So, I mean, I’m not unhappy with it, but I’m not pleased :/ I need to rethink my style some more.
(Oh, also, she looks like an alien with those eyes.... they are WAY too big xddd Why can’t I get anything right lol? )

Aww thanks buddy! I just need help with layering my colored pencils.... xd
I really liked the piece!! I think that it is beautiful, plus you are a step up from me, for even being able to do legs in general!! XD
Aww thanks guys! xd You guys are so awesome
Also, is it just me, or did Crystal and Cats just, like, MAJORLY bond? XDD
Also, WB CATS! :D
I just opened the Fan Art section, and this was the first image that loaded in. My reaction: WOW!
Wait you're trying to tell me it’s BAD? i WISH my realistic style was like your’s. My eyes are obviously big because... ya know it’s my cartoony art style Lol. My realistic style is on lockdown. I love this piece so much!
I love it though!!!!!!!!!!!