I tried drawing a (blue) horse eye using the new oil pastels and pastel paper I got for Christmas, and...

and before I blended everything with the white pastel...

um... not quite sure how I feel about it... I will definitely practice using the pastels more, and look up some tutorials on how to draw with pastels and have it actually look good XD
but... yeah, hope you liked it, or at least thought it actually looked like a horse eye!
Woah, AMAZING!!!
That's beautiful!
Whoa. That is AWESOME! But just to let you know, horse pupils are vertical.
AW! I LOVE!!!! Also, horses with blue eyes are just.... BEAUTIFUL.
wow.... I never knew it was possible to draw a VERY realistic horse eye and you have down it!
Woah...like...WOAH! THAT'S AWESOME!!
I really like it, and YES, I do think it looks like a horse eye!