YUP. I’ll definitely/probably be using this OC for Legends Carved on Trees (I already have a few ideas).... BUT I NEED A NAME FOR HER!! XD
Sooo... I sorta modeled her design after Greenblades, but I changed it up a bit tho lol
ALSO, before I show you the drawing, just so you know, I’m at my mom’s friend’s house rn (they’re catching up and my mom’s friend is also a hairstylist so I think my moms getting her hair done or something XD) and am on my ”family” ipad, which is why I won’t be RPing or anything, and when I get home I’ll update the drawing and post another photo, because I barely brought any of my art stuff lol
Anyway... erm here’s the drawing XD (the photo actually sucks though, so just so ya know I’ll be taking a new one when I can XD)

She’s strawberry roan with dark sage green feathers, dark red mane and tail highlighted with white, white sabino marking on right flank, four white anklets, thin, jagged blaze on face.
Sooooo yeahhhh. I NEED NAME SUGGESTIONS!!!!
I’m thinking maybe something like Crimsonleaf... or Jazzfeather... or Sagevine (I came up with those on the spot). IDK. I NEED NAMESSSS XDDD
Bruh... I came up with smth I may possibly use for Legends Carved on Trees.
Grassflurry trotted through the swarm of pegasi, their tails swatting in his face. He flinched and ducked his head, breathing heavy. He swung his head and raised his hoof, before galloping forward and away from River Herd, panting. Tears streamed down his face, and the wind licked his wings. He curved them back, gusts of cold wind blowing in his face, making it hard to see. He saw a glimpse of a pond and cantered to it, his neck arched and his mane waving behind him, his ice blue eyes bright with unshed tears that he fought to hold back, but more escaped.
He dunked his curved muzzle into the pond, his mind screaming at him as the ice cold liquid gurgled in his throat, but he couldn't swallow. He choked and pressed his wings against his face.
"You alright there?" a soft female voice asked. Her voice was as smooth as honey, and as warm as summer days. Grassflurry flicked his ears and looked up, blinking in surprise at the breath-taking strawberry roan that stood on the other side of the pond, the bright rays of sunshine that poked through the clouds shining down at her.
"I'm Desertrock," the filly said, her large green eyes staring at him, and her dark sage wings rested on her back. The white highlights in her mane shone as her her forelock fluttered.
Grassflurry lowered his wings, blinking again in surprise. The name was striking... yet beautiful, like the filly herself.
Lol... yeah. There's a reason why Grassflurry was crying, but I won't say way cuz it may be a spoiler. Also, I'm not sure if I'll be using this thing... I'll definitely change it up a bit if I do decide to use it... but yeah XD
I just came up with Hazeglade... oh well XD
Top fave (in order):
Hawkleaf (also, Skysun, I actually sorta got that as a generated name idk when, it's pretty funny lol)
I think I'ma go with Desertrock than...
My brain just yelled "Ferncone" in my ear...That's great.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Berryleaf, Sandblaze, Oakfeather, Hawkleaf, Jaggedstripe, Snowstripe, Heatwave, Blazeflame, Frosthoof, Treelegs, Stormleaf, aaaaaand...Liongrass!
So far my fave are: Crimsonleaf, Jazzglade, Jazzblade, and Desertrock.😳
Maybe Grassflame, or Desertrock?
Or Jazzblade maybe (cuz of Greenblade)... GAHHH THIS IS SO HARD XDD
SHe's SO PRETTY!!!!!! how bout: Sagerise, Sagefeather, Sagesun, Leafgaze, Springsun, Crimsonsky, Spiritmoon, Burgundyblaze, Jazzglade.
Umm... emeraldberry