*okay lets just ignore that title im sorrry i didn't know what to call this xD*
Hello! as my random title says- here's a sketch i randomly drew a couple days ago. I am super proud of this!! This was definitely out of my comfort zone since I usually color and outline my drawings, so for me to leave this blank with only pencil felt weird for me, but i like the effect it made! And personally, I think it would look worse if it was outline and colored.
Okay story time- (u don't have to read it lol i won't get offended)
So a few days ago I had a sudden zap of motivation to draw, well, sketch. I've always been fascinated about the pegasi and the different ways they can hold their wings! They can extend and fold, they can let them drag, they can hold them close to their body, they can flap and flutter them, they can fold them, fold tightly, and fold loosely, and preen them- and i could go on and on forever!
In case you were wondering, I tried to replicate the idea of a pegasus folding her(i based it off a female) wings upward and high on her back, like how a swan would fold their wings in water. I also love how the water and ripple texture turned out!
I believe there was a scene in TGH books where Star and Frostfire were swimming, and this was how they folded their wings! I think about that scene often just because it fascinates me XD
So, in a sense, this drawing is based off that.
Another thing that was hard for me, is I ALWAYS add eyes to my drawings....sooo....the idea that this one has her eye covered by her forelock is new. I think the drawing would've looked weird with an eye-I wouldn't know what expression to give her. So the fact that her eye is covered and how the blush is the only pop of color in the drawing- it just looks complete to me!
(OKAY YES I KNOW that horses and pegasi can't technically blush....but i think it makes sense. Just me? It somehow makes sense for them to be able to blush...plus i think it's cute so sorry if that's not anatomically correct, BUT I LIKE IT SO JUST DEAL WITH IT....jk... you don't have to like it)
OKAYYYY because this post is probably getting really long and annoying, here's the

I will gladly take any critiques! but pls be nice because this is strangely one of my favorite drawings I've ever done XDDD
Alrighty then! Thanks for reading! Stay awesome!
Riverbreeze out!
*dops mouth open as wide as it can go*
That’s just....
This is great RB!!! Especially for your first time sketching like this!! XD Though I always feel like the wings come out a little small, like for everyone's drawing really, I guess it could just be page size that makes it such a problem.... but other then the wings being just a little small, I don't really see a problem with it, honestly I think the style that the wings are drawn in is Adorable!!
THAT. IS. BEAUTIFULLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*wakes up and looks at drawing again*
*malfunctions with River and Icy*
IT IS JUST SO PRETTYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we do a art trade?
WAT ZE FRIGG ZAT IES AMEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -malfunctions alongside Icy-
*repairs herself*
*breaks down again*
*falls apart*