Hello, hello everyone! Long time no post!
So as the title and image suggests, let’s create a character together! You can join this by commenting the certain information based off what number comment you are! For example, let’s say I am the eight commenter, so I will write something along the lines of, “8: two hind white socks and a peach snip on the nose.”
Some quick rules/ extra info before we start!
Please only comment one (1) information comment! For example, you CAN NOT supply info for both the second and third comments! If I do not receive all the comments within a week or so of posting, I will allow you all to post another comment.
Please head your comment with it’s number, like I did in the example above. If you are writing the 10th comment please say so!
I will be supplying the name of this character. But feel free to give suggestions!
I will most likely be drawing this with markers.
If at all possible, please try to make this character look nice and fitting in TGH universe. I would rather not draw a highlighter pink Pegasus with neon blue and yellow wings.
Please do not comment anything inappropriate!
Lastly, have fun and if you wish to do this for yourself, go right ahead!
EDIT!!! The chosen herd is Jungle Herd, so PLEASE make her look like a Jungle Herd character!