Guys, i'm abgry at myself for not finishing or doing a whole lot of drawings lately so, i'm taking requests to give something to do. So you can ask me to draw any OC or TGH character or feather or ship or headshot. Please just give SOMETHING RELATED TO TGH TO DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I just posted the entire thing lol
Name: Coperpool
Gender: male
Age: 13
Coat: Coper colored
Mane/tail: goldish coper
Wings: Sky blue
Markings: Two white hind socks, thin blaze.
Crush: Iceblaze and Rainblaze
Mate: none
Sister: Junetree
Personality: Energetic, playful, loyal, true warrior, has sense, sensitive, strong, caring
Rank: Captain
Can you draw..... -ransacked brain for SOMETHING for Nightmist to draw- Uhhhhhh......... COPERPOOL! I mean, can you draw Coperpool for me?
Well I could use some more requests but meh
I don't know but this is good for right now!!!! DRAWING TIME
I was just going to do the same thing! With this same title! How the heck is that possible?
Awesome! Btw, these OC's look pretty cool.
Nightmist, I literally JUST made a post about this same thing. Guys I’m taking requests too.
Smokeray is handsomer than I thought
Thanks!! Bye!!!
Coat: Extremely Dark Dapple gray
mane-tail: Black
markings: thin stripe on for-head
wings: golden
Ok! But I have to go for the night bye! i'll get to them right away!!!!!
Nightmist, could you please draw my OC Featherlily?
Coat: flea-bitten grey
Mane-tail: white hightlighted in cream
Markings: none
Wings: dark teal
That would be cool. Also, I'm really bored, but I have a lot of work to do. > -<
Can u draw Smokeray? IF U WANT LIKE U DONT HAVE TO U KNOW!!! >.<
UHHH *spams chat*
can u daw...