*Aquastar waves her wing at the crowd*
Aquastar: Hello pegasi of Anok! I am Aquastar and this is my very first post! This is going to be a drawing challenge!
Random Pegasi: What kind of drawing challenge?
Aquastar: Well I'm glad you asked! You guys are going to draw a Pegasus from the Guardian Herd as a human! The rules are as follows:
1. The drawing must be an original, no copying another drawing
2. You must draw the Pegasus I assign to you(I will try my best to be online), no switching or complaining
3. You can draw him/her with wings but it is NOT required
4. The contest starts August 31 @12 noon and ends September 8@8pm (PT)
5. The prize will be a drawing of your OC as a human drawn by myself
*UPDATE* Since many have joined this contest there will be 1st (Your OC [or GH character] as a human or your OC [or GH character] as a Chibi), 2nd (Your OC [or GH character] as a human), and 3rd (Your OC [or GH character] as a Chibi) place prizes!
Here is an example. This is my OC Aquastar:

Her expression turned out a bit more mischievous then I would of liked but I love the way she turned out. 😊
Random Pegasi: Wow. I better get drawing!
Aquastar: Right you are! Good luck to everyone who enters! Bye for now! *waves wing*
That was in 2017 bud, but I have gone through this before, the art looks good.
i wanted to post Braxton/Brackentail, but I didn't see this in time
NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! -weeps- OH WHY DID I HAVE TO BE LATE?!!!?!!!?!!!?!
Stay tuned for the winners post which will be up in a free short minutes
Hi guys! The contest is now over so whoever hasn't posted their drawing is disqualified
Times up
Aww man
-sighs- Spiderwing will not be finished >.<
For some reason I am SO FLIPPING EXCITED :D
For some reason I'm very tense at the moment
A little under two hours to go!
Me to
Hey everyone. Today is the last day to submit your drawings. Anything not submitted by 8pm PT will be disqualified
I haven't started Echofrost ether!!! 😱😳