For some reason I drew Honeyfall. I don't why I just did XD. I hope you like her Dargon and enjoy!( Sorry the blaze and socks are messed up. I acciden;ty colored them wrong first )
Nightmist: Oh brother......Here we go again.
Me: And yeah I know it's not my best face :) It looks lkie and ant eater XD And like I said, the markings were a bit messed up and since she was in Snow Herd after Sun Herd's battle I probably should've drawn a thicker coat....
Moondancer: Aww don't be too hard on yourself :)
Me: Oh borther......... x face palms x
All of my OCs: x wing palms x
Flare: x hoof palms x
Luna: x hoof palms x
Honeyfall: "Nope, not now, not ever."
Snowfrost: "Uh hu."
Wintermist: *nickers* Why do you guys never stop fighting?
Sunshadow: Yeah! And-- *pauses to burst out laughing* --Why is it always so funny?
Anyway, great job on the drawing Nightmist
Me: "Wow! That looks amazing Nightmist!"
Honeyfall: "Hold on a sec, do I really look like that?"
Snowfrost: "Yeah, you look perfect."
Honeyfall: *whacks Snowfrost* "Shut up!"
AWESOME!!! Although, the face is not your best. But the wings and body are amazing!