Me: "Hi everyone and welcome welcome welcome!"
Roserain: "We had so much great art! But we all agree."
Me: "Stop with the suspense!"
Roserain: "What? It's fun!"
Me: "Not to the audience."
Ashbrook: *trots on stage* "I'll do this." *turns to crowd* "It was really hard to choose who would be the winner but..."
Me: "Not you too!" *pushes Ashbrook aside* "The winner is Skysun!"
Ashbrook: "For her amazing drawing of Thundersky! And here it is!"

Roserain: "Skysun, you get a feathershot!" *applauds wildly*
Me: "Good job, Skysun!"
Congratulations Skysun!!!!!
Congrats Skysun!
Woah! WHAT!? I never expected to win!! Thank you!!! :D Could you drawwwww....Brightray's feather? He has dark blue feathers tipped in yellow! Again, THANK YOU! I NEVER expected this! You all did amazing!
Congrats Sky!! Oof, sorry I never got Star done!