(I finished this last night but it was too dark for the photo to turn out right and I didn't wanna turn on my other light because my parents would've found out I was up XD)
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and mostly girls, stallions and mares, fillies and colts, Granak and female Granak, Sandwens and Landwalkers (same difference), giants and female giants, Kihlari and pegasi, Fliers and pets, Anok and the Realm, and mostly just ya'll wonderful people... I PRESENT TO YOU, CASSAVAROOT!

Cassava root as a pegasus, my entry for @Riverglade's challenge :) Hope you like it!
I made a whole backstory thing for her lol XD Anyway, her name is Cassavaroot, littarly, and she's a bit of a sour cinnamon bun (now that I think bout it... ew, gross). Because, like the root and it being mostly full of water, it goes bad fast and gets all sour (at least that's what I know). She's, idk, still sorta young for a med mare. She's quite nice, in a sort of stern way, and a "alright I've nice for five minutes and you're healed, so off you go and get your rump out of here" kinda gal. Lol. Anyway... yeah. goodbye :)
That is pretty! I love him! Also, your nails are pretty!
This is GREAT!
haha, thanks!
*speechless* words can't explain how happy this makes me.