Hi everyone, I hope you are well! I receive many lovely letters, and I'm a bit slow about answering them--I'm sorry! It's always faster to reach me via email, however, it is fun to get letters, and I wanted to share this one with you since it's from one of your very own members--Clawberry!

Check this out--Clawberry drew a picture of ME, and using the pegasus name generator, she christened me AshStarFlight (using my middle name too). She included her legend about the very first pegasus, and a recipe for dog cookies! Here is her legend, word for word:
"She was here long before Spiderwing and Nightwing. When she came, Anok was formed, and with her came five foals, Jungle, Snow, Mountain, Desert, and Sun. These foals were how the five herds were formed.
When she died, her foals took over the land and, one by one, had sons and daughters. The Hundred Year Star gave them life, but soon the five foals passed into the Golden Meadow, leaving their legacies behind them. The pegasi left, had foals of their own, but there was no magic to be found within. And the legacies continued.
All pegasi know this story but it is never mentioned much anymore. Little do they know that they all have some magic within, deep down it's there."
Wow--what a wonderful and hopeful legend! Well done, Clawberry. I hope you all on the message board enjoyed it too.
Just a quick update: as you know RIDERS OF THE REALM is coming out May 1st, but I'm also hard at work on other projects--some new, and some related to Guardian Herd. I want you each to know that I want to write more TGH books, but everything depends on READER ENTHUSIASM!!! This is true for all authors. So Spread the Word about the Herd, and hopefully I can continue with a Nightwing prequel and a book about life after Nightwing. I'd like to explore Riversun's possible powers and what comes next for the pegasi. Or perhaps I'll jump far into the future to explore a new black foal, a filly!
And a final reminder--if you come across an advance copy of Riders of the Realm, remember that it does NOT include the super secret information about Bumblewind. That is only in the final version and nobody on Earth will know what it is until May 1st! (except for my editor and I, of course!) So stay tuned and thanks for reading!
Love, Jennifer

YESSS WE NEED MORE TGH BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duskmoon: A black filly with galaxy purple wings and a blaze.
For Riversun's Powers, I would think that they would be shockwaves and small bolts of lightning.
If Starleaf has a foal, and it's a filly, I can imagine her name would be Duskmoon!
I just read this oml WE NEED THE NIGHTWING PREQUEL AND MORE. We need to spread the herd-
In Anok there mares foal at different times and not all together. I don't think it is like wild horses where they all have their young in the spring.
All the other mares
If Dewberry had foaled with all the other mates then she woud' had a week old foal and crossing an ocean and nursing don't mix
Dire. What is wrong with my auto correct?!?
You can believe what you want but I researched it and the timing is the day Star and Frostfire found them in the woods being chased by fire wolves.
I think they could've become mates while Star and his friends were flying. Mares don't become pregnant right away and it takes 11 moths for a foal to grow completely. She may have been pregnant and not have known or she did know but didn't tell anyone because its not obvious in the first months. Does that make sense?
Or the foal?
The time Dewberry and Bumblewind became mates?
That is a possibility but it doesn't line up. Dewberry would've already had a coal by the end of the GuardianHerd series. Her foal would be a yearling or older at the end of Nightwing's reign.She isn't mentioned to have any sign of a foal until the end of the first book in the trilogy
She never out right said that she and Bumblewind became mates. It was clued at several times.
I was wondering what the secret was!!!!! I don't have the secret info either but thanks for telling us!!!!
The paperback GH books have stories about other characters. In the Windborn one there were pegasi who left Anok and those pegasi will be mentioned in ROTR. But the pegasi who escaped the landwalkers i wonder if they were also trained.
i read a special story