Hello! It's annoying little me again! I have a question about the fan art- since I'm still not quite sure how everything works.
So when Jennifer Lynn Alvarez selects a random fan art to feature in the newsletter, do you have to send her a pic of your fan art or does she take one from here?
I have a drawing that I'd like to send in as a giveaway entry, and also post here so you guys can see it. Can I do that? If I send it to her will it count as a fan art entry too?
Can someone explain to me? XD Thanks.
Thank you so much, Flamefrost!! That was super helpful!!
Exactly. Her email is jenniferdiaries@gmail.com (I think). Put in the subject line of the email “Giveaway entry” and send your fan art, along with a message. The drawing will automatically go into her fan art collection and may be chosen as Fan Art of the Month in her newsletter. Your name also goes into the prize drawing for the month, which she does in the video in the newsletter.
Yes. I was confused at first also ;-;
Okay, thanks! So can I email her a fan art as a giveaway entry and as a fan art submission?
Yes. You are suppose to email her if you want her to FOR SURE get your drawing :) Because she's not on all the time and she only takes like one from here that are special and that someone has taken a lot of time on! :)