Heheheheeee yeeeeeessssss. I'm honestly quite proud of it. The hide and the dapples and lil details took me forEVER, and it ended up not looking to great until I did some more shading, and smudging some white over the dapples to smear it. SO YAS. I first wanted to show you how it looks, ya know, before I did the face stuff. For some reason the face ALWAYS makes me lovelys look weird. WUTever.

There we gooooo.
And dis is lovely now:

ACHOOOOO BLEEEEEEH. Jk, it doesn't look that bad XD
Anyway, I hope you like him, @Firesong!
I was so weird back then. And what, this was... a month ago? XD
AWESOME!!!! he looks AMAZING!!!!!
Me: "FLamefeather! Whad'ya think?"
FLamefeather: "What?" *sees pic* "oh. WHat about it?"
Me: *facepalm*
Yeah XD
But she stopped the video halfway through my... uhhh... tumble... but by the time she put her phone away and had her gloves on, I had stopped.
Also, yeah, it was cool. I mean, he was wearing a pale yellow jacket with grey pants, and a white helmet, so it reminded me of Brightwolf. I couldn't see his board though XD
Also, yay! :)
Why do people always get the most amazing videos of people?! I for one really enjoy all the embarrassing videos of me. I will now always have the memory(as long as my cousin keeps the video...) Also, i think it is cool that the guys was dressed like Brightwolf!
And i would love to draw Mudcloud!
Ouch...And sounds like fun! I went snowboarding down my aunts hill a few times...I wiped out pretty amazingly and my cousin has a video of it. My hat went flying... I hope you feel better and thanks for not dying XD!
If you want, you can draw Clearfire/Clearpath. If you do, let me know what you want me to draw.
ALSO, I forgot to say, I am available for Art Trades! Class is boring, and I think you got the clue. But I may be a lil slow, because my whole body (back, shoulders, neck, ankles, wrists) hurt from snowboarding. It was really icy and part of the reason I'm hurting so much is because I tumbled down a hill head first, on my back, and I couldn't dig my board into the snow because it was so crappin icy, and then I eventually managed to flip over, tumble a little more, before finally reaching a mound of snow, which I used to stop myself from over all dying.
But it was really pretty out, like, the clearest it has been in forever up there, because usually when we go up super high on the gondola, it's really foggy. And it was BRIGHT. SUNNY. But I guess that's the reason it was a bit icy, but over all it was worth it.
HE IS WONDERFUL!!! i love his coat and the dapples look great!