(top to bottom; left to right)
Star, Morningleaf, Echofrost/Sula, Bumblewind, Brackentail, Shadepebble, Dewberry, Hazelwind, Flamesky, Stripestorm, Thunderwing/Thundersky, Silvercloud/Silverlake, Grassfire/Grasswing, Sweetroot, Lightfeather, Oakfire, Jetfire, Twistfire/Twistwing, Ashfire, Crystalfeather, Violetsun, Rowanwood, Dawnfir, Maplecloud, Mossberry, Ripplebreeze, Graythorn (main description), Brightflower, Summerwind, Rockwing, Frostfire, Hedgewind, Larksong, Birchcloud, Darkleaf, Starfrost, Icewing/Iceriver, Petalcloud, Clawfire, Stormtail, Graystone, Riversun, Sandwing, Redfire, Sunray, Sunblaze, Raincloud, Snakewing, Smokewing, Nightwing, Ashrain, Springtail, Spiderwing, Hollyblaze, Sunblaze, Willowsun, Greenblade, Ashwillow, Shysong, Drael, Ilan, Kol, Mahrsan, Rizah, Jax, Windheart (II), Thornblaze, and Torr
UMMMM....Singing "speachless"
Wow, this is great!
They look really amazing all together! I had no idea there were so many.
This is amazing!!!!! SO MANY BEAUTIFUL PEGASI!!!!!!!
Wow, that's a LOT of characters! XD