#iamsoclingy anyway in my last post i said star, morningleaf, bumblewind, and dewberry but rly if i could hang out with just one it would be........ Dewberry! congrats u won!!!! she is sooo loyal and firce and i feel like she is a mirror to my personality!!! Either her or star. if i was in trouble i know she would be right there!!!! :D
Yeah!! 😆
Both have pros
Yeah ikr!!!!
Hmm..... Star or Dewberry? That's a tough one. 😒❔❔
I think for me, Star wins.
Yeah thats y i picked her!!!
Same here! Dewberry is like me in Pegasus form!
I love Dewberry! If I were a Pegasus, I would probably be just like her
btw i forgot my password so now i am a different user than i was. same person different account